Visual Basic Source Code
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BASIC Source File
103 lines
' Handles alligning forms. Forms all have a Gadet picturebox,
' around which a gap is left to draw a border to simulate
' a 3D control. Each form is started in the top left corner,
' from which it can be moved by dragging.
Sub AllignForm (Frm As Form)
Frm.Width = Frm.Gadget.Width + (2 * Outline)
Frm.Height = Frm.Gadget.Height + (2 * Outline)
Frm.Gadget.Move Outline, Outline
End Sub
' This routine simulates the dragging behavior found in ProgMan.
' The built-in VB DragDrop routine does not handle clipping
' properly and yields poor visual results.
' The routine:
' - Gets a handle to the screen (a DC of Null)
' - Creates a rectangular region based on the X,Y of the LCD
' - Sets the Clipping Region to that rectangle
' - Paints a box on the screen based on the mouse X,Y
' combined with the applets height and width.
' - Releases the Windows resources.
Sub GhostForm (X As Integer, Y As Integer, H As Integer, W As Integer)
hScreen = GetDC(0)
hRegion = CreateRectRgn(RgnX1, RgnY1, RgnX2, RgnY2)
zot = SelectClipRgn(hScreen, hRegion)
hBrush = GetStockObject(NULL_BRUSH)
hObjOld = SelectObject(hScreen, hBrush)
zot = SetROP2(hScreen, R2_NOTXORPEN)
zot = Rectangle(hScreen, X, Y, H, W)
zot = DeleteObject(hRegion)
zot = UnrealizeObject(hScreen)
hScreen = ReleaseDC(0, hScreen)
End Sub
Sub Main ()
Screen.MousePointer = 11
TPRatio = Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
Bevel = 2 * TPRatio
Outline = Bevel + TPRatio
Load Calculator
' Determine the screen bounding region
RgnX1 = Int(0) / TPRatio
RgnY1 = Int(0) / TPRatio
RgnX2 = Int(Screen.Width / TPRatio)
RgnY2 = Int(Screen.Height / TPRatio)
q% = DoEvents()
Screen.MousePointer = 0
End Sub
' This routine simulates a 3D form by drawing lines around
' a control where that control is positioned with a surrounding
' gap on the form itself. The degree of the bevel can be
' changed in the WH_MAIN FormLoad routine, and is based on
' a pixel measurement.
Sub Make3DForm (TheForm As Form, Ctrl As Control)
L% = Ctrl.Left
R% = Ctrl.Left + Ctrl.Width
T% = Ctrl.Top
B% = Ctrl.Top + Ctrl.Height
TheForm.Line (L% - Bevel, T% - Bevel)-(R% + Bevel, T%), QBColor(15), BF
TheForm.Line (L% - Bevel, T%)-(L%, B%), QBColor(15), BF
TheForm.Line (L% - Bevel, B%)-(R% + Bevel, B% + Bevel), QBColor(8), BF
TheForm.Line (R%, B%)-(R% + Bevel, T%), QBColor(8), BF
TheForm.Line (L% - Outline, T% - Outline)-(R% + Outline - TPRatio, B% + Outline - TPRatio), QBColor(0), B
End Sub
Sub ShadeControl (TheControl As Control, ThePic As Control)
ThePic.ScaleMode = 3 ' Pixel
ThePic.ScaleHeight = 8
ThePic.ScaleWidth = 8
hBrush = CreatePatternBrush(ThePic.Picture)
TheControl.ScaleMode = 3 'Pixel
Dim FillArea As RECT
FillArea.Left = 0
FillArea.Top = 0
FillArea.right = TheControl.ScaleWidth
FillArea.bottom = TheControl.ScaleHeight
Success% = FillRect(TheControl.hDC, FillArea, hBrush)
Success% = DeleteObject(hBrush)
TheControl.ScaleMode = 1
End Sub